Monday, April 28, 2008

It's a secret

Most days or weeks I really don't have anything worth blogging about. But today an opportunity arouse that I have taken advantage of, but the hard part's a secret. Don't you just hate it when someone says they have a secret and they won't tell you? Well I hate that to, but I'm going to do it anyway. Sorry.

Most days when I am at work everyone works together so well, my own unit and those we take pt's from. As a team leader I know when people are stressed or over their heads for a time, and I try to pitch in, or even just take over and help as best as I can. But today someone from the ER told me she was going to "write me up" because it had been 30 min. since she had wanted to bring her pt. to the floor and our room wasn't clean yet and the new policy (which I found out was a complete lie) said they had to do that. I can't even remember that last time I was so angry. I had such an adrenalin rush I didn't even know how to handle it. I told her to go right a head but there was nothing I could do about it. I of course vented to every person from the house supervisor to the ER charge nurse, to my head nurse. I was reassured there was no such policy and the ER RN was just saying that.

Now the interesting part was...that adrenalin rush. Usually between 3:30 to 5pm I am so tired! I am trying to wrap up all my duties and help others get their stuff done and I am just dragging. But today I could have gone on for hours. Even after I got home I was still wound up. I should have gone for a walk, but instead I blogged.

I know anger or the fight or flight mechanism we all have is important, but if I could get that feeling everyday for just a few hours I could probably save the world or at least clean my whole house.

I don't think I've mentioned how excited and blessed we are to be having a new little family member soon. But I have got to stop shopping.

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