Again it's been forever since I blogged.
I am finally feeling human again. I returned to work 2 weeks ago today and the incision is very sore at times, but I'm good. I have a better understanding of pain and how it affects people differently. I could never understand how someone could say they were in a lot pain, and then in a few min. be asleep, or just wake up and say they needed a pain pill. Pain pills DO NOT TAKE AWAY ALL THE PAIN, they only dull and make the pain TOLERABLE. So I will be more understanding and empathetic.
I Love and Love my grand baby. He is so cute and fun to be around. His little personality is showing through. We had a weekend over-nighter a few weeks ago and at church he was very picky about the toy he wanted, only the book, nothing else would do. He sits up and giggles, and rolls everywhere he needs to be.
His smile is contagious. It would just be nice to be a little closer in distance, but I'm not complaining.
Music to my ears was when after Jodi had been in her own place for a week or so, she called to ask where something had been put, because Mel and I had done most of her kitchen and bathroom unpacking, so I told her where it was and my comment was " I am so glad you still need me", he comment back was "I will always need you and I am just not saying that, I will always need you", I just about started to cry, I still need my mom and now she is gone, so I am glad to be needed even if it's just to fine the Ibuprofen.
We have a joke about Kim and giving him gifts, he just doesn't get excited, or at least show excitement. And this fathers day was pretty close to normal, but I do want to Kids to know who couldn't be to dinner that he cracked a bigger smile than usual and said "what have you kids done" and I think that was very close to actual excitement, so way to go!
He is the best and he deserves the best.I have to give him a special thanks for his constant love and support during this whole surgery recovery thing. He has put up with a lot and never complained. he was always making sure I had what I needed and wanted to help when ever possible. He was cleaning and doing the laundry, which he does a lot of anyway, he shopped, cooked, ran errands, wanted to buy new furniture (which we barrowed instead), listened when I cried and was scared and was just so encouraging when I would get down, he even offered to take my primary nursery class for me, but that was taken care of. Kim has always been a much more giving and compassionate person than me, and I have often worried that that when we are old a crazy that he will be a better care giver than me, and now I know he will. So I need to learn from him and give back as much as is given. But now that I think about it Kim has always been this way, so I guess I am one Lucky Girl.