Thursday, September 9, 2010

There has been life since the wedding, and some of those events have photos, and many do not.

The do nots...I had 25 straight days off work, and I pretty much studied 15 straight days of that preparing for my math exam....and I passed. I was so relieved, that I cried waiting to find out and then I cried when I passed, I am now in my last class and hope to finish soon.

Paul Hardcastle had his mission farewell, and I got no shots of the who family or him. He is currently in the MTC headed for South Korea. We pray for his success.

Travis Latham got his mission call and in Nov. will be headed to Taiwan. He is so excited and we are for him too.

Cleaning out closets and cupboards has kind of been my relief from studying, and I love making my DI pile, almost everyday I add to it and it feels great.

I cleaned my craft room and now the little guy has a little big boy bed and the room looks great.

Now for some pictures, there are a lot, but oh well...

The girls and I and Karen went to
Swiss days again this year and had a great time. We each sent our spouses a picture of ourselves surrounded by packages, but none of our men believed any of us when we told them these were all our own.

How-ever the being exhausted part was real.

Jenni was the real tough one, she held most of them at once.

We had a fun time and I got us a really nice Condo in park city for the two nights.
Jess, LeeAnn, Jenni, Karen, Jodi, Melaine.

Jodi and Karen relaxing before we went shopping again.

My cute and ever so helpful tutor, Abby, sent me a fruit bouquet after passing my math test. She was awesome and I was so grateful to have. It tasted fantastic.

Jessica was incharge of Davis county's 5K. So we all tried to support her hard work and went to the race, and then enjoyed a fun breakfast together afterwards. Here are a few too many shots of the morning. This is the little guy after he finished running his race and receiving his medal.

He was so excited to run. He kept telling all of us "I running, I running" just looking at this picture and I can hear him say that. He was so happy all morning, just being outside and the center of all our attention.

Matt and Jenni after the race, I'm not sure what the face is for, but he says it makes photos more interesting, I guess he right.

Mel and the little guy waiting for his race to start.

Karen and Travis coming in, they still look happy.

Matt and Jenni walking fast, they wanted to run, but if you signed up to walk you had to walk, those were the rules.

Trevor, Jodi and Wade after they ran, and you didn't want to get to close to them, as you can tell.

Jodi coming around the last turn.

Here comes Gordon. We cheered for them all.

Justin did well too. I don't remember the order of runners, but they were all happy to finish.

Look at wade go, want a trooper.

This was Jessica starting the race. According to her husband they were both grateful the day and event was finially over. They had a hudge turn out and Matt even run a price at the give a-way.

Smiles and a blue buddy before the race. Buddy didn't run, but he is always near by.

Jess was all smiles before it started, so I don't know what stress Gord was talking about.

The little guy had a sleep over at grandmas and we went to the park and splash pad, but his favorite is the slide and climbing bars.

He is one tough kid, with no fear at all, I guess my fear of him getting hurt makes up for his lack of it. You would never know this kid had been sick for weeks, in the hospital for vomiting and dehydration. Kids bounch back to fast.

I think this is were I started with the wedding stuff. Matt and Jenni opening gifts after the honeymoon. They have a really cute townhouse and seem very very happy, and my family food bill has gone down drasticly and the family room actually is clean all the time. He doesn't seem to be starving, so they must be doing all-right.
Life is busy, I am grateful as always.