Friday, March 20, 2009

We're Off

I have failed to mention that 3 weeks ago I was released as Enrichment Counselor in the Relief Society.

I have had that position for 5 years and 9 months, and 3 presidents. The whole presidencies was released. I thought I might have a hard time, but once my last birthday social was over, last Wed. I have been so relieved and ready to move on.

By moving on I mean being able to sit and listen to a lesson without thinking about what I'd say at the end, or looking at the faces of the sisters and wondering if anyone needed help or had needs that we should tend to, and trying to remember what my next week work schedule was so we could plan our meeting and visiting evenings, always thinking about what my next lessons topic would be, and always planning for the next enrichment night.

Well enough said about that but my relief was very short lived, because before the Sunday of the big release, I was called to be the Nursery Leader!!!!! Yes ME!!! So for the last 3 weeks I've been with the kids. So far so good? I sure I'll have stories. The first week one little girl said "oh my ears hurt" as the boys were running and screaming, I totally agreed.

Now to the things I won't be doing for the next 9 days. Getting up at 0345, and working 12 hrs, washing dishes, preparing meals, answering the phone, planning a lesson, banking, grocery shopping, exercising, (oh wait I don't do that much now), blogging, visiting with our baby, (oh too sad), e-mailing, anyway the list goes on and on, but the things I will be doing will be new and exciting and in warm weather and I just pray I don't get sea sick. Kim and I are going on Carribean Cruise for our 30th year anniversary.

I am grateful we have the time and money do go off on a new adventure and see new things and that I have a personal travel agent who knows his way around the computer and the Fodors Tavel book.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Have a great time LeeAnn. And I for one will miss your comments at the end of the lessons. :)