On our last day of the cruise I started to get a little sick, left sided low abd. pain. By time we finally got home my re-occurring Diverticulitis was flow blown again and off I went to the Doctors office where he agreed that was my problem. I have had this happen, now 4 times, over the last 3 years so I knew the road I was on. First I would have to take a couple of antibiotics, but one of them was made by satin himself called Flagyl. It can make you sicker than the illness, constant nausea, dry and metallic tasting mouth, and gut pain . But this time I was told it was time to see a surgeon about possibly having the infected piece of colon removed.
I have had other disposable organs removed, hysterectomy, gallbladder ,appendix and tonsils. I wasn’t so sure the colon was considered disposable. I guess the Lord gave us these types of body parts just to mess with us here on earth, because it sure seems like a waste of effort just to give them back in the here-after.
1st surgeon visit I was informed I was still infected, and needed a CT scan to make sure, and was put on more of satins pills and come back in one week. I did as I was told. My version of what I thought would happen yesterday at the appt. You are still infected (the pain is still present ), you need IV antibiotics and then we’ll talk about surgery (in my own time frame). The real conversation at the appt. You are still infected, I don’t think this is going to heal on it’s own you need surgery ASAP, before it gets worse and ruptures. Tears. More satins pills.
Then I was put on the conveyor belt of admission preparation. I was asked every personal question known to man, gave my blood, and my $$$. So Monday I am having a partial colon resection. And to add insult to injury I have to have a 2 day bowel prep, also devised by the devil, and clear liquids for 2 days. No birthday cake this weekend at the 2 parties.
So about my foot. As I was waiting in pre-admission a little older man was wheeled into the area and his wife sat down next to him and he said “not very good news it is?” she said “at least you get to keep the foot.” I am losing another disposable organ, one I am reassured I will do fine without, not one I wouldn’t do so well without. So as we all know “It could be worse” and count the blessing you have, and I have many.
Final note to self, get a perm today and anyone want to buy a ticket to Florida for next week.