Saturday, April 4, 2009

This morning bright and early I headed out to a locally owned grocery store, Kent’s, for their Early Bird special. I actually needed things they had on sale so I knew even if they were busy it would be worth it. I have always liked their meat, cheese and produce.

Well all of Roy must have wanted to save some money too because we were all there. I got there 90 min. after they opened and the parking lot was packed, but one funny story was in-order to get a shopping cart you had to wait outside the door and help someone leaving the store, load their groceries, and then take their cart. I didn’t mind this at all and I visited with the women and we joked about the situation as we loaded her car, and I got my cart.

It is a very small store, very organized but very crowded. My shopping took about 45 minutes, and my line wait was 45min. But I visited with the women in front, and the couple in back and we would move each others carts if we wanted to go get more items, remember is was a great sale

Second funny story (or at least interesting), as I was leaving there was still a cart shortage and people waiting to help you to your car, plus now the store had a couple of young girls out their helping too, to make sure the carts came right back. So a very very large 30ish man asked for the cart, followed the young gal and I to my truck and stood with his arms folded while she and I unloaded the 2 heavy water boxes, the big box of frozen chicken breasts and all the other heavy and multi bags of stuff, (I even took all my reusable bags), he didn’t left a finger to help us, just watched. What a gentleman. I am sure he didn’t want to get in our way or intrude on our fun at all. You can come up with your own conclusion.

After thought. I have not banned Wal-Mart as many others have, it’s not my favorite place to shop, but they are usually cheaper and have a large variety of non grocery stuff, but it is so nice to see other stores and especially little local guys, still able to compete and make a difference in our ability to save money, and stock up.

I am grateful that in this “recession” we are still able to work and provide for our families needs and as Kim and I have often joked, as we have needed to purchased new things for our home, we are “doing our part to help the economy”. And I continue to pray that everyone will be able to do the same.

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