My day started last night at 9pm.
9:00 PM I was tucked into bed, shower, teeth brush, 1/2 sleeping pill, prayers and alarm set.
9:10 PM remembered I needed two baby shower gifts to take to work. Got up ran around putting together 2 gifts that were equal in quality and expense, but they needed a toy or something, o-well back to bed.
9:25 PM still awake, decided I'd ask Kim tomorrow to stop and get me 2 little baby toys and bring them to me at work. Looked last at the clock about 9:45.
3:05 AM Awoke to what I thought was my alarm (set for 03:45), got up, dressed for work, once ready, looked at the clock and realized I was ready about 45min. early. I have no idea what happened.
4:10 AM Went to Harmon's to buy the little toys for the gifts myself. Went to the middle night door, wouldn't open, went to the south door, sign says use middle door, went back, decided I shouldn't be wondering around alone in an empty parking lot, in the middle of the night, headed to Wal-Mart.
4:15 Pulled over for speeding on Riverdale Road. Told a little white lie, that I was heading to work at the Hospital and was ASKED TO COME EARLY ( the lie part), only given a warning.
4:20-4:45 Wal-Mart, to Work were the real Day began, but I won't go there. :( Home at 7:10 PM to my wonder husband and quit home with no alarms, phones, reports, things bleeding, BP's falling, ER calling, no beds left, my name literally being said by 3 people at the same time, laughing until it hurt, no lunch, very few potty breaks, pulling lines out and putting others in, Dr's wanting to TALK TO THE CHARGE NURSE (never a good sign),great friends and wonderful people working together to do what we do best.