Sunday, January 27, 2008

The really good stuff

I hate it when I miss the good stuff. Today was a working Sunday. I haven’t worked one in 2 months so I guess it’s about time. So tonight after work we went out to Grandpa & Grandma Hardcastles to celebrate Don’s Birthday. Jodi made cake and most everyone was there. It was a really nice visit.

But during the visit Jodi and Kim said that is Church today they announced Temple night this coming Friday and that we were having treats after at the Hardcastle’s home. I guess Jodi and Kim looked at each other and couldn’t believe I hadn’t told them. Well no one told ME! Last month there were only 3 couples who went and I joking said to the Bishop “We'll have to bribe them next month with Ice Cream.” End of conversation. Then suddenly I hear they are announcing it in Church, Relief Society and Priesthood. I would have thought the Bishop would have asked, but OK we can handle that. When we get home I had a message to the call the RS Pres. And she tells me that she is so sorry for what happened. She had the assignment from the Bishop to ask me. She totally forgot and when she heard it in Sacrament meeting she was just sick and she was so glad I wasn’t there. Because I guess Kim and Jodi looked a little surprised and I would have been even more surprised. I actually think is pretty funny, but I am so grateful that I am off Friday and I already had it on the calendar to attend the temple.

I had set a goal to go each month this year, not just because I should, and I need to, and it is asked of us to go regularly ,and not just because we receive blessings by going and we are doing important work for those who have passed. Not just because we feel good when we go and I learn something new each time and I am reminded of things I’d forgotten. Not just because I feel close to my husband when we attend together and I get a good feeling knowing I am away from all the earthly worries for 90 min. I also feel closer to my Father in Heaven in that very Holy place. All of these are great blessings and so very important, but this year I get the added advantage of receiving 3 cows for going monthly for 8 months and I need to earn 8. I want to become an 8 cow women by Aug. 9th. I’ll write more about that later.

I am grateful for Temples and Ice Cream.

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