Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Roller coasters

     Everyone has heard "Life is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs".  So here is my question.  Which is good, the up -ward motion, the falling motion or when it comes to a complete HALT, which is the only part of the ride I enjoy!

     My chemo/stem cell recovery has had ups and down.  But I don't know which is which.  So its day 8/5, and I have been so grateful to not have had mouth sores, well today I got a few, probably more to come.  TMI, but the diarrhea has started now also.  I've been able to eat, still just small amounts, but I have never thrown up, that's good news.  Drinking is a big problem now too, it's just that my mouth has a weird taste in it, food hides the taste, but water makes it worse.

      I am grateful for Modern Medicine.  Not just for what I am receiving, but that our babies can have a simple ear infection treated.  I'm happy that the 2/3, from the host of heaven, who choose to come to earth included some very smart/genus people.  The team of Doctors I work with, which work with all the transplant cancer pt's, all are so smart and kind.  I've meet 4 now and I not sure how many there are, but they are all caring, only want whats best for me, they make recommendations on how to help with every symptom.  

     I would have loved to have missed this large bump-in-the-road illness, but life doesn't work that way.  I have meet so many wonderful medical staff, here and more so at my Ogden Clinc.  I have know really smart Doctors and RN's who are so spot-on in making recommendations in trying to  help everyone to tolerate what's happening in our life.

     I know the Lord has a plan and he has some amazing people working hard, here on earth, to advance our lives both in quality and love.  


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