Monday, September 1, 2008


This was a whirl wind and family weekend. It actually started on Thursday night with a Family Photo shot with the hubby’s side of the family. This is s very painful event for many but it is done so seldom that you would think it wouldn’t take on a life of its own. The reasons this is done so rarely have been many. Hard to schedule a time, people who are pregnant, or on missions, some who just don’t want if done or pregnant again and on a missions again, so the fact that once again we have a pregnancy it was done anyway.

I am sure we will have some great pictures to choose from. The gal was very cute and seemed to be doing a really good job, so I am sure we will. Working with a big group could be stressful, but she didn’t seem stressed at all. This is all grandma H. wanted for her birthday, so we were happy to oblige.

Then Fri. & Sat. the girls and I went to Swiss Days in Midway. I am not so sure Mel, Jod, and Jess love the crafts but its fun to get ideas, and just be together. Jess and I both only bought one thing, Mel got 2 and Jod was saving herself for Park City. I hope they had fun, even though it was tiring and hot and a lot of walking for bad knee girl and prego girl it was nice to get away.

Sunday was Sunday. Busy with church and then family dinner. We had our power go out about 5:30pm but that didn’t stop our evening. It did not go one until Monday morning at 0427, just as I was getting into my car to go to work. I had put my makeup on by flashlight and had to do my hair at work. It was funny to see our neighborhood suddenly light up everywhere, because no one ever knows which lights are still one when the power goes off.

Then Mon. I labored on Labor Day at work, while Kim labored at home. Cleaning out our junk room. We have a contractor coming over Tuesday evening to talk to us about poss. Remodeling! Yes you read me right. Remodeling. Something after the last house we said we’d never do again. We need to make a few changes in order to make life for Mom/Grandma a little easier in the event she will be coming to live with us again. So we are already starting to clean out and rearrange rooms. So after I got home I started in too. It feels so good to go through stuff and get rid of things. It’s usually stuff we’ve held onto way too long, and we don’t even remember we have them.

The one good thing came out of tonight’s cleaning was I finally took all the 72hr. kits I made 3 years ago and put them in backpacks for the 4 of us who still live here. I got ride of the expired food and added some fresh and we each now have our own actual pack, not just a box with everything in it.
I’ll have to update soon after we talk with the contractor.
I am grateful for a busy life that teaches me patience and organization.


Anonymous said...

thats amazing story.

Anonymous said...

To the owner of this blog, how far youve come?You were a great blogger.

Anonymous said...

I truly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

So that those who will accidentally visit your site will not waste there time with this stupid topics.