Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kim and I have been married 30 years (2-15-79)The commercial say’s a lot can happen in 5 years, well even more can happen in 30.

Here is some of what happened.

30 anniversaries, none were forgotten
30 birthdays, 1 was forgotten
4 children (and all that goes with that, blessings, baptisms, sports, plays, musical recitals, surgeries, illness, school activities, happiness and heart aches)
1 grandchild
7 jobs, counting college years
2 weddings
2 in-law children
6 addresses
2 homes, 4 apartments
2 major remodels
100’s of small ones
9 cars
4 dogs , 2 birds, 1 cat (for a very short time), the rest are too many to count, bunnies, fish, garbles, lizards, frogs & turtles.
1 missionary
7 college graduations (counting in-laws)
1 over seas trip
2 beds
6 family funerals
4 surgeries, 1 ablation, 1 major illness
Countless diets, vacations, church callings, paint colors, DVD players, computers, bills, TV’s, concerts, visits to the temple, relatives weddings, fights and make up’s, the list could go on and on.

But no matter all the stuff that has happened and the things that have come our way I am most grateful for ONE husband and ONE true love that has changed over the years to get stronger and more meaningful. We may have not know each other long before we got married, but what I know about Kim now could have never been foreseen, so I am grateful we took the chance and started our lives together. Thanks for 30 years with more on the way.


Kami (tayo) said...

That was just precious!! Happy Anniversary! I feel like I don't get to see you or talk to you anymore! We need to do lunch sometime...outside of the hospital!

Kami (tayo) said...

so am i the only one who reads your blog? hehe! hey, i finally updated mine. you'll have to watch the video of noah at the dentist!