Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's up to you

That is what I kept hearing at the Dr.'s office. He explained what had happened to my knee and showed me on the tiny knee model, and then we talked and talked. Basically it doesn't heal it's self, but you do get used to the problem, and learn to live with the inconvenience of pain and popping, but if it is affecting my normal life, then it needs to be fixed, but it's up to me. I finally asked,"When would I stat to see some improvement?" "Well ,by now, so it's up to me what I what to do?" The scope and repair or just wait and see. He is so far booked out that it wouldn't be until Dec. 21st. Ya right I thought, so I'll schedule it after Christmas and if it's getting better then I'll cancel. That was easy, right?. So I guess I can make up my own mind. Does that sound right, what does everyone else think? (Just kidding).

Last night we had our recipe exchange for one of our little groups in RS, and we really had some great food. The theme was crock-pot cooking. It reminded me of a story many years back in the old ward. I was on the committee for the RS birthday and we all brought different soups for the food. At the end of the evening, we were cleaning up , and I realized my crock-pot insides were missing. My lid and electrical part were in the kitchen, but none of us could find the crock-pot. It never showed up, we announced it for 2 weeks in RS and still it never showed up. So either someone really needed it and it fit theirs or it went home by mistake and they were too embarrassed to bring it back, or they accidental broke it and never told any of us. But if you have a new and clever idea please share it. The best idea will win some great recipe ideas.

Today's thankful moment took some thought, but I and grateful for not having socialized medicine and truly being able to make my own decision, on my time frame.


Anonymous said...

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Kofa High Sports Medicine said... me if you want some advise on the knee.