Monday, March 10, 2008

It's not polite to stare

Have you ever been so horrified at the site of something you just didn’t know what to do? I have been along this same path almost daily for, well, what seems like forever. I’m talking literally about something that is so shocking it takes your breath away. Something I had to take a picture of to convince myself it was real. My kids always teas me that I make a terrible gasping sound when something startles me or I remember something. Gordon says you would have thought I’d run over a small child the sound is so dramatic. That is the sound I made when I discovered this strange sighting.

Now let me stage the setting. The sun was shinning very very brightly through the window and usually I just have a light one. Most of the time my glasses are off, but this particular day I had them on, and I don’t why. I wasn’t in any hurry so I was concentrating on what I was doing. Then it happened.

As I curled my hair I thought I say some light color, maybe the sunshine, maybe a reflection off the mirror and light. I got closer to the mirror, and it was real. I HAVE MORE GRAY HAIR THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE. I just kept looking at it like it just couldn’t be real. This wasn’t my hair. I touched it and separated strands to see if it was just a top layer, or maybe the shine from the gel I’d used. No it was GRAY. And lots of it. I went to another mirror, still in disbelief. Just like a puppy it followed me and again appeared in the front room mirror.

I honestly kept wondering when did this happen, how come someone didn’t tell me. I expect my kids or husband to tell me if I have a hair on my chin or check that I haven’t noticed yet, and then it is quickly pulled out, and you hope no one else noticed. I let friends and family know they have lipstick on their teeth or things on their nose. I’ve been know to pull a long strangler hair from Kim’s eyebrow. (Something he doesn’t appreciate) I’ve been told and also told others they left a new tag on their clothes. So why hasn’t anyone told me. I now have more gray hair then my mom, who is 74.

So now I am left wondering what to do. Do I start to color, go back to highlighting, something I did years ago. Obviously I have plenty of High Lights. Do I just keep pretending I don’t know or that is doesn’t bother me. I do know one thing. I will only curl my hair in a half dark bathroom, and try to avoid direct sunlight at all costs. You would think looking at a scale would cause this much distress, but at least with that I know what’s coming.

Now that I’ve posted this you might all be temped to take a peek the next time we’re together, but remember your mother always told you “it isn’t nice to stare”?
I guess I’m thankful I still have my hair no matter what color it is.

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