Monday, May 12, 2008

On many a Mothers Days I would find something to feel guilt about. I would attend sacrament meeting and all these wonderful things were being said I would soon feel inadequate, not just as a mom but a wife and daughter too. Well I am who I am and I try to do the best I can. So no more guilt. You’d think I was see a therapist or something. I can’t remember everything I have ever given, I can’t recall the special things that have been said or the sayings on the cards, but I can remember the things that make me the happiest and most of those things don’t even happen on Mothers Day.

I am most grateful to be a mom and a wife, and I will be sappy for a moment, but I have a great family who go out of their way to make me feel special. Thank you!!!!
The kids got their pictures taken professionally by Annie and I love them all, these are only a few, and Kim got me a soon to be grandma and grandpa rocking chair.

Even though I had to work this year it was a great day and I Love the family I have been blessed with. Happy Mothers Day to ME.

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