(cake frosting melted in the Car)
52 and going strong. Happy Birthday to Kim. Gordon said Sunday, that we don’t seem that old to him, compared to some of his friends parents. What a great compliment.

(about 2)
We had Birthday dinner Sunday for Kim, along with his parents all the kids and the dogs, and all the chaos that goes with that. It is always a great time when everyone is here. It gets a little loud with too many conversations at once, but great all the same.
Back to Kim. He is such a hard worker and good provider, we may not have become millionaires yet, but we seem to have everything we need and most the things we want.He has so many good qualities, he seldom gets mad, usually very calm, doesn’t really care about what other people think, not a big complainer, (unless were on the road),very smart, granted a lot of his information is seemingly useless information, but he knows it none the less, he loves to study, anything & everything, and loves to read anything he can gets his hands on, and is always reading and studying the scriptures too. He is a great example and teacher. He makes tons of comments in Sunday School and usually Jodi and I have to give him the “be quiet” sign.

He is all about the outdoors and hikes almost every single day. That is his choice of exercise. He hikes one of the local trails everyday for lunch, and if he can’t get it in during the day, then he’ll go in the evening. We’ve always had a standing disagreement that I don’t know which trail he is on, and so if he should get hurt or die how would I be able to come help him, but his comment was, “Well if I’m dead it won’t matter”, so my come back has become, “Well I need to come get the car”. He loves nature, the Lord, his family and me. Happy Birthday to a great man, son, father, and husband.

I am so grateful and blessed to have such a great Husband and friend.