Saturday, October 11, 2008

No pictures

Last night after a very busy day at work I hurried home to change and get to the church to watch the Road Shows. I couldn't believe how many people at work didn't even know what they were. So I explained that all the wards in one stake would get a theme and then in a short time produce a mini play, using the youth and a few adults where needed. They would then take that show on the "road " and perform at all the different buildings in the stake, we only have two. I remember as a teenager that these were so much fun and seemed like a lot of work. But putting up and taking down props and just hanging out with your friends in that setting was a blast.

All the leaders got the theme 10 days before the shows were to be performed. I was amazed at the great ideas and the music they each came up with. Their theme was "On my way to slay Goliath". I do have to admit that our ward should take the over all Prize. They had the best scenery, costumes (most of which came from my Halloween bins), a fantastic script and song lyrics. You could hear them the best and understand every word they were saying and singing.

The couple that was put in charge and just moved into the ward 2 weeks before they got the calling. And boy did they magnify their calling.

Some of the shows were a little painful to watch, but the whole idea of getting away from the crap of the world for one night and seeing good kids and caring adults coming together to do nothing but entertain and have fun with each other is so refreshing!

And a side note to Jodi's blog. The idea that marriage has become such a political issue is sad. Rather you have any religious back ground or believe in God at all, marriage is between a man and a women, that is the only true way for lives to continue. That is why it was created. Even those who want it differently know that for people to progress or procreate they must follow natures (God) plan. Science nor man can change that one simple fact. Families can consist of many different components, we all know that, but the creation of those people still had to come from man and women, and the man/man & women/women families can never change that one simple fact and I am sure that is very hard and sad for them to understand.

We must continue to be loving and tolerant of those who choose a different life style , but they in return must also be loving and tolerant of those of us who are trying to follow Gods commandments and his plan for all of us here on earth.

I am grateful for fun nights and great discussions.

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