Monday, September 12, 2016

This I wasn't expecting

     Last entry, after chemo, I went home on Sunday the 4th.  Not feeling the best, but I had just had killer cell chemo.  My eating and diarrhea continued to be a problem and even got worse. Until Wednesday the 8th, when I needed help to get out of bed, dressed and make decisions.  Kim really just wanted me to go to the ER for fluids and I knew I needed something soon, but I waited the few hours until my Dr. Office opened sand I called them and they said tocome get fluids.
     They started fluids and drew blood, and after an hour I was told Dr. Johnson was admitting me back to the hospital.💉, my blood work was totall mess.  I had become neutropic (I had no WBC, or platelets,), probably and infection, due to fevers, dehydration, due to diarrhea an not eating or drinking enough.  Kim was at a meeting he couldn't leave, so I called Jodi, and she came and got me and took me over.
     First thing an RN and then DR.J said was, this was expected, just not this quickly!  I'm pretty sure we were not told about this little side effect, unless it was limped in with " I would be sick after chemo".  And probably I should have know something, with just the nature of chemo.  But at home I really thought I was just dehydrated!

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