Friday, October 19, 2007

Gifts and more Gifts

I heard about a book or actually a movie by a speaker we invited to our super craft day, "The Ultimate Gift", she said don't rent the movie just buy it and save yourself $5.00. So without knowing what it was about I bought the movie. Then my friend told me she had the book. I always like to read the books first so today I finished it and hopefully tonight I can watch the Movie.

Anyway the book is great. If you haven't already read it, it is a MUST read for everyone. It gives great insight into who we are and how we need to be sharing everything we have and show gratitude for what we have. There are 12 simple gifts and each has such meaning. It is a very quick read, ( I got the book last night about 7pm) but so worth the time. Enjoy. I am grateful for being taught at a young age to read and enjoy learning.

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