Thursday, August 2, 2007

Getting old before our time!

So I'm starting this new, over my head, blog thing. Jodi has been so kind as to show me how to get started and I will probably need her every time I Blog. I often remind her and the boys, when I need their help regarding the computer, that I once spent many hours with them on homework, reading and attending everything that they ever did in their lives. It's a great quilt tool. I have watched as Annie has started this and now I love reading hers along with Mel's, Jodi' and Haley's. When Kim saw the book Annie had made he thought it would be a great way to record a journal with out actually writing in a journal.

The Last 31/2 weeks the brown cane has been Kim's best friend. But the picture is what he looks like. He had a totally normal sat. July 8th. He went hiking in the morning, did some yard work, we went to dinner and a movie and her came home and mowed the lawn in the dark. On Sunday he couldn't move. He's been to a chiropractor 2x's our Dr 3x's and neighborhood message therapist 2x's he's had muscle relaxants, steroids, and pain pills with 2 refills. I think he might be starting to get better. But this has been a slow process and I'm ready for him to be back to his old self. He has never watched so much TV is his whole life.

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