Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tough men never get sick.

The men in our families just don't get sick, and that's the way it should be.This may be sooo boring to everyone else, but for me I'll write alittle about today and be able to vent{without tears}. Kim went in and had his MRI, he came up to my floor and said he was done and going back to work, and left. I had mentioned I would call his Dr.s office and give them his phone #'s so they could reach him if they needed to. While I was waiting on hold, at my desk, the clerk picked up the other phone and said "This is Dr. Williams, he wants to talk to you". He had seen me there earlier in the morning. My heart sunk!!! He told me the Radiology Dr. had called him and said that Kim had a big infection in his disk and in his muscle and that he needed to get back to the hosp. right now & be admitted, started on antibiotic, and poss go to surgery later in the day to relieve the pressure and drain the infection. You can imagine my reaction. I imm. started to try and find him, and just told him to come back and that he had an infection. I didn't mention the poss. surgery. I was a wreck by then and my great and wonderful co-workers and friends just took over and I was able to leave by the time he was admitted & in his room. Our Dr. had called me twice by-then just to keep me informed and asked again how sick he really was, and that he should be "as sick as a dog". but he isn't. The first Dr. the infection specialist showed us the MRI and where the infection was and also couldn't understand why he wasn't sicker, with a fever, more pain, nausea and such. He also said the dreaded word "surgery" & Kim by now is starting to feel sicker. But he also said we need to let the nuro surgeon make that choice or recommendation. He finally came and he also said he thought he would find a very sick and suffering pt. and he didn't understand either why Kim felt better and had never had a fever. After talking with us forever, he said "I have to treat the pt. not the xray, this may or may not be an infection even though the pictures look like it is. So he ordered an ton of labs and IV antibiotics and said "no surgery" until we got everything back tomorrow" Kim loved him!!! So now we wait. He says he feels better, and that this is crazy and he should go home. But we will wait and see, and I'm sure I'll have a better book to write tomorrow.


Kofa High Sports Medicine said...

Sorry to hear Kim and you are having such a rough time...glad to see you blogging though...welcome to the club! :)

Anonymous said...

Keep us updated.